Caller ID is a common function that being included in most of the telephony application. Its ability to show the number of calling party has helped the receiver to identify the caller’s number before answering any anonymous call. However, without the name of the contact person being stored in your contact lists, you probably won’t know who the one is actually calling even with the mystery number appeared on the screen. Now with the service named as PrivusMobile, it takes a step further to disclose the caller’s identity even when you don’t have it stored in your local contact lists.
Privus Mobile will search within its network for the caller name based on the calling number in its database. And this actually requires both voice and data communication to take place simultaneously. Depending on how fast is the data network under 3G or EDGE coverage, it will affect the latency on when the receiver will able to retrieve the caller information, either during the call or after the call is terminated. Either way, it would be really helpful in order to avoid any anonymous calls at any time.
If you are in doubt whether your mobile phone is supported by this new feature, just go to PrivusMobile and you will see a full list of mobile phone models that are fully supported in both cellular network or WiFi LAN environment. The full list will keep on expanding and user can join the Text Message List in order to be alerted when there are new mobile phones being added into the compliance lists.
Currently this new service is available at 3-months subscription for $25 or annual subscription for $90 for both Windows Mobile and BlackBerry platforms. While it is only being deployed in North America right now, there is a plan to roll it over to Europe countries by end of this year.