Quantum of Solace is the upcoming 22nd James Bond film, the sequel to Casino Royale (2006), and is directed by Marc Forster, and features Daniel Craig as James Bond, Mathieu Amalric as Dominic Greene, Olga Kurylenko as lead Bond girl Camille and Gemma Arterton as MI6 Agent Fields. Quantum of Solace is scheduled for release in the United Kingdom on 31 October 2008 and in North America on 7 November. And the official teaser trailer has premiered online on 30 June 2008.
High quality Quantum of Solace official teaser trailer
In the Quantum of Solace film, Bond battles Dominic Greene (Mathieu Amalric), a member of the Quantum organisation posing as an environmentalist, who intends to stage a coup d’état in Bolivia to take control of its water supply. Bond seeks revenge for the death of Vesper Lynd, and is assisted by Camille (Olga Kurylenko), who also wants to kill Greene.
From the teaser trailer, the movie looks to promise plenty of action sequences. Running, boxing, high speed driving, racing, helicopter and speedboat stunts. Of course, the whole series of James Bond 007 movies are also emphasizing sexy. The Bond girls, Olga Kurylenko, looks set to showing much of her body flesh, and even engaging in intimate sex scenes, such as letting Bond licking her back. Daniel Craig masculine muscles will be on display too.