QuickPwn is another jailbreaking GUI tool released by iPhone Dev Team. QuickPwn can jailbreak and unlock iPhone and iPod Touch in Windows and Mac OS X operating system platform. With the release of iPhone and iPod Touch firmware software version 2.2, QuickPwn 2.2 has also been released to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch updated and running on software v2.2.
Note that iPhone Dev Team currently maintains two jailbreaking utilities, namely QuickPwn (for Windows and Mac OS X) and PwnageTool (for Mac OS X). Rule of thumb is that if you have a 3G iPhone and want to preserve baseband while upgrade to latest firmware and jail break (for potential soft unlock in future, but not applicable for current Yellowsn0w 0.9 as it unlock version 2.2), do not use QuickPwn, and do not use the official ipsw or the iTunes update process without using PwnageTool.
Support of QuickPwn 2.2 for Jail Breaking
Locked iPhone 3G: Support restore or upgrade to 2.2 using iTunes and use QuickPwn to jailbreak and add Cydia and Installer.
iPhone 2G (1st Generation EDGE): Update or restore iPhone 2G with iTunes then run QuickPwn to do the magic.
iPod Touch 1G (Original First Generation iPod Touch): Update to 2.2 with iTunes and run QuickPwn.
iPod Touch 2G (New iPod Touch): No support at this time.
With this easy to use GUI software you can jailbreak and upgrade to the latest 2.2 firm
Direct Download Link for QuickPwn
QuickPwn for Windows: QuickPwn22.zip
QuickPwn for Mac OS X: QuickPwn_2.2.dmg
Update: QuickPwn 2.2.5 for Mac OS X and QuickPwn 2.2.5-2 for Windows has been released for free download.