T-Mobile has recently announced the availability of Samsung SGH-T659 at its stores. The Samsung SGH-T659 is a 3G slider phone which has been enhanced for basic messaging and playing multimedia. The handset enables the users to instantly connect to the Internet via the 3G network anywhere within the T-Mobile USA 3G networks.
Featured with a 2.2-inch display, Samsung SGH-T659 is also equipped with a 2.0-megapixel camera with video recording capability. It boasts A-GPS for driving directions, comes with a speaker phone, calculator, calendar, alarm clock and music player. In addition, it is Bluetooth enabled, supports microSD card and HSDPA data connectivity.
The Samsung SGH-T659 with measurement of 4.1 x 1.9 x 0.6-inches and weighs about 3.3 ounces has comes with a Li-ion battery that provides up to 5 hours of talk time and supports up to 12.5 days of standby time. The 3G slider phone is available for the price of $69.99 with a two-year service contract after $50 mail-in rebate.