Samsung Mobile and Sprint have announced the upcoming availability of new Samsung Intercept Android-based smartphone, which combines Google Android 2.1 platform with a 3.2″ touch-enabled display, powerful processor, visual voicemail, WiFi, GPS, full QWERTY keyboard as well as premium social networking features.
Features Of Samsung Intercept (Sprint):
- 3.2-inch touchscreen display with scrollable home screen for easy organizing widgets and apps
- 3.2 megapixel camera with video capture, and slide-out full QWERTY keyboard
- MP3 Player with MicroSD card slot supporting up to 32GB
- Pre-loaded with Sprint TV, Sprint Football Live and NASCAR Sprint Cup Mobile
- One-touch access to top social networking sites like Facebook, Flickr and Twitter
“The Intercept is a perfect example of Samsung’s commitment to bring the latest Google mobile services, social applications and popular features to smart phones for the mass market,” commented Omar Khan, chief strategy officer at Samsung Mobile. “Users will enjoy the Intercept’s stylish design, full QWERTY keyboard and access to full web browsing and Google services for a full-featured smart phone experience.”
The new affordable Samsung Intercept Android 2.1 smartphone that offered in two variants of attractive colors – Gray Steel and Satin Pink, is scheduled to hit Sprint stores beginning July 11 for just $99.99, after a $100 mail-in-rebate with a new 2-year contract.