Korea electronics giant, Samsung has announced its first laptops with new Hybrid HDD built in. The Samsung R55 is the Samsung’s first notebook that feature a 15.4 inch WXGA LCD display, 80GB Hybrid HDD and 5,400rpm drive alongside an additional 256MB flash drive. In addition, Samsung says notebook users will get extra long usage duration of battery life and be able to boot up their computers faster by using its hybrid hard drive.
A hybrid hard disk drive is a hard drive that contains a flash memory chip that stores data and applications. This way most frequently used data can be stored and read from flash memory, reducing the usage (spin) of HDD itself.
The new Hybrid HDD Samsung R55 will selling for about US $1923. The notebook features a Intel Core2Duo T5600 (1.83GHz) CPU, NVIDIA GeForce 7400 Graphics card and super multi DL optical drive. Besides, the operating system of this Samsung’s machine is support by Window Vista Premium.