Samsung Electronics Korea has announced its new touchscreen mobile phone named as SCH-B900. The new Samsung SCH-B900 is equipped with 3-inch TFT touchscreen display with resolution of 240×400 pixels, Samsung’s TouchWiz 1.0 Ul with a system of widgets, and GPS navigation with support of subway maps. In addition, the phone also comes with 3-megapixel camera with support for geotagging of photos, voice control, Bluetooth, slot for microSD card with support of up to 16GB, a T-DMB tuner, electronic dictionary. Furthermore, the new Samsung SCH-B900 touchscreen phone is also designed for use in CMDA EV-DO networks and has integrated 960-mAh Li-Ion battery to keep it going throughout the day.
Features of the Samsung SCH-B900:
- 3-inch touchscreen TFT display with 240 x 400 pixels resolution by displaying more than 262 thousand colors
- Built-in 3 Megapixel CMOS camera
- Support Samsung’s TouchWIZ UI
- Supporting microSD memory cards up to 16 GB
- Support CMDA EV-DO communications standards
- Bluetooth wireless technology
- Integrated receiver digital terrestrial DMB TV
- Support for GPS navigation
- Voice control
- 960 mAh Li-Ion Battery
- Embedded games
- Other applications: electronic dictionary, Planner, Converters, Notes, Calculator, Alarm Clock, World Clock, Stopwatch, subway maps.
The new Samsung SCH-B900 comes in white color and clad. The mobile phone measures just 107.5 x 52 x 11.9 mm and weighs only 93.5 g. The Samsung SCH-B900 touchscreen mobile phone currently available in Korea via SK Telecom but the price has yet to be announced.