Gmail has already been one of the most generous free web-based email service provider, in term of overall total email storage space available and the attachment size of the mail message. Gmail first raised the bar when it doubled up the maximum email attachment size limit to 20MB, which is still unmatched by most free webmail service. Only paid Windows Live Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail Plus has the same 20 megabytes of maximum attachment size limit.
Now Gmail has up the ante further. According Gmail Help last modified June 22nd, 2009, the maximum attachment size in an email message that Gmail can send and receive is 25 megabytes (MB) in size.
The increased maximum email size limit in Gmail is good news to many users who frequently share photos, music tracks, videos and documents with others, which has grown bigger in size with advance of technology.
However, if you decide to send a 25MB (or anything more than 10MB) email message to your friends, buddies or family members, it’s likely that other email services with smaller attachment limit won’t be able to receive them, and the mail will bounce back. The big mail is good to send and receive between Gmail accounts, at least for now.
The increased 25 MB maximum message size limit has been rolled out and implemented to all Gmail accounts. Gmail users with Flash-based multiple attachments upload feature will have warning pops up if the file exceeds the 25MB size limit.