Intel Atom processor has been getting much traction and is currently occupying most of the netbook and nettop designs in consumer market space. Some of you may not aware, the ultra low power and small foot print thermally efficient processor can also be designed into other market segments even including server application. Just recently, Super Micro Computer has just announced a new server solution based on Intel Atom processor targeted for IPC (Industrial PC) usage.


There are two versions being made available, an entry level X7SLA-L with single-core Atom 230 processor and a X7SLA-H with dual-core Atom processor for mainstream feature sets that are suitable for different customers’ requirements. Both versions are coupled with Intel GMA 950 chipset and stays at 4 watts and 8 watts respectively. The X7SLA-L supports four SATA (Serial ATA) interfaces with RAID 0, 1, 5 and 10, one gigabit Ethernet port together with seven USB 2.0 host ports, while the mainstream X7SLA-H is further enhanced with additional gigabit Ethernet port as well as serial interface that provides flexibility in network server and storage expansion suitable for both home and enterprise use.

No pricing and availability yet, but seems that the Intel famous Atom processor appears to be everywhere as long as there is a need for it besides netbook and nettop markets.