Download Windows Vista SP1 (Service Pack 1) Beta Preview KB936330 Build 6001.16633 (Torrent and Link)

Download Windows Vista SP1 (Service Pack 1) Beta Preview KB936330 Build 6001.16633  (Torrent and Link)

Microsoft has released a preview of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) to a small group of testers for evaluation before a broader Beta release via Technet and MSDN, and public download later on. However, this Vista SP1 Beta preview release, which in actual should be named ‘alpha version’ considering possible bugs contained inside it, has been leaked to P2P download sites, and available for […]

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Windows Vista Activator with OEM Logo by StR0

Windows Vista Activator with OEM Logo by StR0

‘Windows Vista Activation and OEM Informatino by StR0 is an all-in-one (AIO) activator to crack Windows Vista. The activator for all versions of Vista works by using Vista Loader version 2.1.2, which simulate a BIOS that contains SLIC information which allows Vista OEM activation. The best thing about StRO Vista Activator is that it’s fully customizable and has the most comprehensive selection or OEM manufacturers […]

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Vista Loader 2.0 OEM BIOS Emu Crack (SoftMod Update)

Vista Loader 2.0 OEM BIOS Emu Crack (SoftMod Update)

Vista Loader 1.0, or more commonly known as softmod.iso or softmod-l.iso software based Windows Vista OEM BIOS simulator crack, is a software boot loader or boot manager that simulates and emulates BIOS that supports activation for Windows Vista to crack and bypass the activation requirement. Invented by Chinese hackers, Vista Loader version 1.0 has been upgraded to Vista Loader 2.0. The working theory of the […]

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Bypass Vista Activation with Paradox OEM BIOS Emulation Toolkit v1.0

Bypass Vista Activation with Paradox OEM BIOS Emulation Toolkit v1.0

OEM BIOS Emulation Toolkit for Windows Vista is a crack tool that enable user to bypass or crack 32-bit Windows Vista (x86) product activation requirement, by emulating hardware-embedded BIOS ACPI_SLIC license information of so called “Royalty OEMs” (e.g. ASUS, HP, Dell) which allowed to ship computer products with Windows Vista installation that does not require any kind of product activation as this might be seen […]

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Software BIOS Emulation Patch (softmod.iso) to Emulate OEM SLIC of Dell, HP, Lenovo, Sony, Acer and ASUS

Software BIOS Emulation Patch (softmod.iso) to Emulate OEM SLIC of Dell, HP, Lenovo, Sony, Acer and ASUS

Software BIOS emulator or emulation crack is an easy way to activate Windows Vista instantly and permanently, without the need to actually flash a modified BIOS into the motherboard ROM. The initial release of softmod.iso or softmod-l.iso CD image file is emulating BIOS with ASUS OEM ID in the SLIC and RSDT tables of ACPI module. However, this can be easily changed to other OEM […]

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SLIC Table (SLIC.BIN or ACPISLIC.BIN) BIOS File for OEMs Download

SLIC Table (SLIC.BIN or ACPISLIC.BIN) BIOS File for OEMs Download

Fancy to let Windows Vista assumes that you’re running a Sony, HP or Lenovo (IBM ThinkPad) OEM product, at least so when during activation? You can patch or mod your computer or motherboard BIOS to use any of the OEM brand in the market, provided you know the correct and valid OEM ID, and has the SLIC table data with Windows Marker to be appended […]

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Windows Vista OEM Activation Crack (vstaldr) without Modify or Flash BIOS

Windows Vista OEM Activation Crack (vstaldr) without Modify or Flash BIOS

Getting tired or scared of modifying motherboard or computer BIOS to get instant Windows Vista activation ala OEM edition preinstalled in branded machine? Now you have a very easy way to achieve OEM activation for Windows Vista, without the need to modify, download, patch, hack, crack or flash the BIOS of motherboard, and of course, without the risk of burning or spoiling your motherboard or […]

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OEM Certificates of Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer and Sony for Windows Vista Activation Crack

OEM Certificates of Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer and Sony for Windows Vista Activation Crack

If you download Windows Vista retail version DVD media image, or download pirate leaked RTM edition of Windows Vista, or have MSDN release, you will need to import and install Microsoft signed OEM certificate for corresponding OEM-made computer with BIOS that supports SLA 2.0 and build with SLIC ACPI table from Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer, Sony or other manufacturers. OEM cert is a requirement […]

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ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP Motherboard SLP 2.0 BIOS and Cert Download for Vista OEM Activation

ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP Motherboard SLP 2.0 BIOS and Cert Download for Vista OEM Activation

If you own an Asus P5B Deluxe or Asus P5B Deluxe/WiFi-AP motherboard which using AMIBIOS, although since BIOS update release version 0910 has built-in support for SLIC table in APCI module, but OEM edition of Windows Vista couldn’t be activated automatically even though with valid OEM product key and Asus OEM certificate. It’s likely due to unmatched OEMID and OEMTableID in the SLIC and RSDT […]

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Improved Way to Add SLIC (SLP 2.0) Table into BIOS ACPI to Activate Windows Vista OEM

Improved Way to Add SLIC (SLP 2.0) Table into BIOS ACPI to Activate Windows Vista OEM

Microsoft is using SLP 2.0 (System Locked Preinstallation) technology for activation process of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) edition of Windows Vista on branded PC. One of the requirement to activate Windows Vista with OEM product key is the existance of SLP public key and SLP marker which stored in SLIC table in ACPI. If you have older motherboard with no updated BIOS with SLIC table, […]

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Windows Vista OEM Activation Crack by Patching SLIC into Motherboard BIOS

Windows Vista OEM Activation Crack by Patching SLIC into Motherboard BIOS

A new way to crack or bypass Windows Vista activation is by installing OEM version of Vista on your PC. However, Windows Vista OEM activation needs a new table named SLIC in ACPI module of computer BIOS, and new values in RSTD table, as part of SLP 2.0 (System-Locked Preinstallation). If your motherboard or BIOS ACPI module does not contains the SLIC table, you will […]

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Crack to Activate Windows Vista as OEM for Acer Motherboard/BIOS

Crack to Activate Windows Vista as OEM for Acer Motherboard/BIOS

If you’re using Acer computers, and the Acer motherboard or BIOS supports and contains SLIC and RSDT tables in ACPI module, and you can use the following hack or crack SLP 2.0 patch to activate Windows Vista installed with the leaked product key. You can check if the BIOS contains SLIC (Software Licensing Description Table) and RSDT tables by using Everest. If your BIOS if […]

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