Andrew Horowitz is the winner of the 18th round of the MSN Money Strategy Lab Stock Picking Challenge, who is also author of “The Disciplined Investor – Essential Strategies for Success” book. In celebration of the win, Andrew Horowitz is offering a free download of the book for a limited time to all MSN Money registered users in PDF digital eBook format.
The Disciplined Investor – Essential Strategies for Success eBook contains several tips and tricks that Horowitz used in developing the “QuantaFundaTechna” investment strategy, which looks to opportunities in the markets based on a top-down philosophy, then confirms investments by a bottom-up fundamental approach. The book is a great resource for both the novice and more experienced investor. Each chapter details the core disciplines that make up a complete portfolio strategy.
Based on the investment strategy outlined in the book, Andrew managed to gain 14.5% in a market that dived down 34% over the past few months. Thus, in today’s market where the price of stocks goes down everyday, the book may provide good insight into how to invest in this difficult time.
The free copy of “The Disciplined Investor – Essential Strategies for Success” can be downloaded from, or directly download the eBook – horowitzbook.pdf.
The free investing e-book download is available from February 18 to 20 only.