rice_and_soup_bra.jpgThe leading manufacturer of women’s underwear and lingerie, Triumph International has responded to a growing trend for young Japanese women with its innovative My Hashi or My Chopsticks Bra that comes equipped with two bulging bowls containing replica rice and miso soup, along with a pair of collapsible eating utensils, aiming to reduce the usage of disposable wooden chopsticks. As what you see in the photo, the Japanese sexy babe is wearing the My Chopsticks Bra at the bra’s event.

“Its small step, but because many Japanese chopsticks are disposable, big chunks of forests are being cut down. So we thought we could help promote the use of “My Chopsticks” and help cut down on disposable chopsticks,” said Hiromi Shinta, spokesperson of Triumph.

I have a question, is there anyone who willing to buy such bra?

Video of sexy babe with the cool bra.