After Windows 7 Build 7137, the next Windows 7 development build has been leaked to Internet. The latest leaked build is Windows 7 Build 7201, with SP1. The leaked build is from winmain_win7ids_sp IDX Client and Server branch, which has been said to be RC2 (Release Candidate 2). In fact, it’s Internal Developer build (see what happen to winmain and winmain_win7ids and SP) which may contain every more bugs than official Windows 7 RC.

Nonetheless, both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) Windows 7 Ultimate Build 7201 RC 2 with SP1 (Service Pack 1) has been available for free download, nominally via BitTorrent (BT) network. The leak of Windows 7 Build 7201.0.090601-1516 RC2 with SP1 DVD ISO images was released by Sukonka.

Windows 7 Build 7201 RC2 with SP1

The full build string of Windows 7 RC2 Build 7201 is 7201.0.winmain_win7ids_sp.090601-2255, indicating it’s just been compiled and signed on June 1st, 2009. It’s likely that Windows 7 Build 7210 is not the last RC2 that will appear, nor it’s the last significant pre-release build before the final RTM release of Windows 7. It’s expected to be follow by RTM Escrow before RTM is compiled on end of July and retail push on October 22nd, 2009.

Download x86 (32-bit) Windows 7 RC2 Build 7201 with SP1

Build String: 6.1.7201.0.090601-1516
File Name: 7201.0.090601-1516_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
Size: 2,499,923,968 bytes
MD5: 70E48837DD513BA98FE483AFD0746E37
SHA1: F2BC6FC5861C76C401DF6DA7137962C727ED938D

Torrent: win7201x86.torrent

Download x64 (64-bit) Windows 7 RC2 Build 7201 with SP1

Build String: 6.1.7201.0.090601-1516
File Name: 7201.0.090601-1516_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso
Size: 3,223,117,824 bytes
MD5: A64636ED74E50E7E882CDB5B80A8FCFA
SHA1: 92AC49897DE56F62BF0EF5C138974179EDE74C50

Torrent: win7201x86.torrent

Windows 7 Build 7201 with SP1 RC2

A Microsoft employee in Holland, Ruud de Jonge posted on Twitter “Installing Win 7 build 7201” notice, indirectly verify that existence and genuinity of Winodws 7 Build 7291.

Also available Windows 7 Server (aka Windows Server 2008 R2) Build 7201 from IDX (RC2) branch.

Download Windows Server 2008 R2 Build 7201

Build Version: 6.1.7201.0.winmain_win7ids.090601-1516 – IDX (RC2) branch SIGNOFF!
File Name: 7201.0.090601-1516_x64fre_server_en-us-GRMSXFRE_EN_DVD.iso
Size: 3,072,749,568 bytes
MD5: EEA0EE4F5E08C63B4540DBFB5758FC08
SHA1: 43D4A4E84E3E0BA91581E8126ED312A5BC8E4848

Torrent: WINDOWS.SERVER.2008.R2.7201.0.090601-1516.X64.ENGLISH.DVD-SUKONKA.torrent

Update: Windows 7 Build 7227