Microsoft has updated Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool and Notifications to version via Automatic Updates. This upgrade seems to be another ‘user experience’ update with no change to anti-circumvention technology to stop the pirate from cracking the WGA DLL and executable files. So team ETH0 has came up with the updated crack too, for WGA v1.7.18.5. It seems like the new crack is just the old crack with revised version, and claim to be working to bypass WGA validation on Windows Update and Microsoft Download Center.

Download Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation.v1.7.18.5.Cracked.rar (removed due to Microsoft complaint)

In case you have problem on Windows, you can apply the patch to temporarily bypass WGA verification. To apply the patch, simply unpack the archive and run install.bat.

Visit here for more effective ways to bypass WGA check.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational and informational purpose only. If you have illegal copy of Windows, please buy one. Other problem please contact Microsoft.