Winstron, a Taiwanese PC manufacturer has just unveiled a new netbook prototype, named as Firstbook based on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processor during the Mobile World Congress event held in Barcelona. If you recall, Snapdragon is an ARM mobile processor based on Cortex instruction set that stands a great advantage in terms of lower TDP (Thermal Design Power) as well as ultra small form factor which is best suitable for mobile computing when low power consumption and long life battery are desired.
The new ARM based netbook will be powered by 1GHz Snapdragon running with open source Linux OS. It will be equipped with a 11.1-inch widescreen display and featured with some wireless technologies capabilities such 3G mobile broadband, Bluetooth as well as Wi-Fi network connectivities. Interestingly, all these features come built into processor core itself without the need of additional chipsets that make the whole system design much simpler and constrained in slimmer size targeted for mobile applications. That is not all, it has been enhanced with HD (High Definition) hardware decode functionality which is crucial for media playback with greater visual experience for mobile web surfing.
No detail on availability and pricing yet, but some do believe that that it will reach market space soon to compete against Intel solution based on famous Atom X86 architectures.